View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001336Heroncore Legion 7.3.5Heroncore Legion 7.3.5public2025-02-23 11:08
ReporterCarn1val Assigned ToSzauron  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0001336: Hunter Class Hall Intro Quest
DescriptionThe Unseen Path (quest id - 40954) is currently bugged. Upon accepting the quest Emmarel Shadewarden despawns making the quest unable to complete.
Steps To ReproduceAbandoned quest, reacquired, deleted cache, etc.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-17 15:36 Carn1val New Issue
2025-02-23 11:08 Szauron Assigned To => Szauron
2025-02-23 11:08 Szauron Status new => resolved
2025-02-23 11:08 Szauron Resolution open => fixed