View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001327Heroncore Legion 7.3.5Heroncore Legion 7.3.5public2025-01-30 17:32
ReporterCarn1val Assigned ToSzauron  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0001327: Engineering Questline
DescriptionThe quest "Short Circuit" (quest id - 40880) cannot be completed. The third step, Talk to Chief Engineer Foote in Ratchet, I can interact with him but he does not offer progression in the quest. I could speak to all parties after him but ultimately cannot move on as I'm still required to speak with him
Steps To ReproduceMultiple engineers, both gnomish and goblin.
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-01-10 14:43

administrator   ~0000848

Hello ok I have noted this bug report I have checked and if after restart everything goes well I have managed to fix the quest for now I have only put it in feedback because I will wait for some feedback whether it works for you or not but after the restart you can try.


2025-01-13 08:47

reporter   ~0000849

Apologies for the delayed response. Just attempted to talk to him again and he still does not progress the questline.


2025-01-20 13:31

reporter   ~0000851

As of January 20, this is working.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-08 13:34 Carn1val New Issue
2025-01-10 14:41 Szauron Assigned To => Szauron
2025-01-10 14:41 Szauron Status new => feedback
2025-01-10 14:43 Szauron Note Added: 0000848
2025-01-13 08:47 Carn1val Note Added: 0000849
2025-01-13 08:47 Carn1val Status feedback => assigned
2025-01-20 13:31 Carn1val Note Added: 0000851
2025-01-30 17:32 Szauron Status assigned => resolved
2025-01-30 17:32 Szauron Resolution open => fixed