Arena and Battlegrounds News

Hi guys, today we have tested the pvp system for both realms for 1v1 arena, we created a npc(PvP Match Maker) in Dalaran and you can find him in Krasus Landing, with this npc you can create 1v1 matches and start pvp on the server.

You can start 2v2 arena matches via dungeonfinder and 3v3 matches via dungeonfinder.

The battlegrounds are currently being tested in 2v2 but you have to choose which battleground you want to do as random battlegrounds are not working at the moment.

The Pvp Brawl is also running without any problems anyone can join who has reached level 110.

At the moment this is all the information we can tell you about the pvp system on the server.

Of course there are still bugs crossfaction currently the server doesn't want to work regardless of being turned on, we will have to fix them.

But for the moment the other functions work as described.