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Legion Realm Vote End!!
Hi guys I have not been very active in the last 3 days so I am just closing the poll that I should have closed on Sunday but it doesn't change the result thanks  everyone who voted and the result of the poll will be used to improve the Legion Realm.
Vote End Now!!
Hi everyone, I'm closing the polls today and based on the website and discord polls it's clear that we're going to restart our bfa server. The current launch date for our project, which is still in alpha, is not yet known and we cannot give an exact…
Vote Now!!! Website or Discord
Hello everyone, today we will be launching a poll to see if there is a demand for a relaunch of the bfa realm. The poll will be based on the two emoticon given and will end on 7 January 2024 due to the holidays. There is also a voting platform on…
Chat Crash Fixes Coming Today!!
Hi everyone, I apologize in advance for the crashes on Monday night and yesterday that happened on the server, we are currently working on fixing the problem(Missing Includes crashes the server) and will let you know here on discord as soon as we have…
Follower Eqiupment
Hi guys, if you want to put equipment on the garrison followers, don't do it because the function doesn't work.( The equipment disappears after you put it on.)
Server machine moving to new location
Hi all I will be moving with the server and the ISP to a new location.  From September 26. from 09:00 the server will be shutting down and moved to the new location. The moving can take days but i can't give you any ETA when will be everything online.…
Heroncore Bfa PTR Realm will be offline indefinitely.
Hi all, as of today the bfa ptr realm will remain offline indefinitely to allow the team to catch up on the backlog of bugfixes. Thank you for your understanding and the Heron Server team wishes you a good game. 
Heroncore Bfa PTR Realm Open!!!!!
Hi everyone, the time has come to officially open our bfa ptr realm today. We wish everyone a good game and good bug reporting.
Bfa Realm Info Part 2 and Ptr realm Opening Date(2023.07.06)
AllFlightPaths InstantFlightPaths function will be activated during the Ptr Realm period. The solocraft feature will also be added to this realm. The rates in the ptr realm will be: xp rate:10x Kill xp rate:5x Explore xp rate:5x Item drop…